The western world has slowly been catching up to some important, useful, and ancient techniques that build vitality and health. For millennia, the eastern world has been meditating...and they know the best side affects are lower stress, better work outflow, higher life satisfaction, and mindful focus.
Meditation is a powerful tool that can be used by anyone, anywhere. All you need to do is bring yourself into the moment, visualize what you want to manifest, and then put those thoughts into action.
What is Meditation?
Meditation is a practice incorporating a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.
Meditation is the practice of letting go.
When you meditate, you practice letting go of thoughts, feelings, and emotions in order to distance yourself from your conscious state of mind. From this place of non judgement, you become the observer of your actions. You tap into your subconscious, becoming your own source of happiness, success, and anything you desire.
How to Meditate
Meditation is a ritual. Rituals are positive habits practiced with intention and purpose. Most people associate meditating with sitting in the lotus position, but meditation can be completed in any position and any location. Many modern meditation practices have users sitting in chairs, lying down on a comfortable mattress, or even walking.
What’s most important is to find the position and style of meditation that works best for you.
Here is a simple 3-step guide to meditating:
1. Find a comfortable position. Most meditation sessions last about 30 minutes. In the beginning, start small and then build your abilities in increments. Practice for 5 minutes at a time until you can observe and let go of your thoughts without attaching to the emotions or the story. Once you can do that, go for 10 minutes.
The idea is to be as comfortable as possible, so your focus stays in a state of presence. Sitting, standing, walking, lying - all are acceptable, as long as you focus.
2. Breathe easy. The breath is the most important aspect of your meditation journey. The main cue is to focus on the cool air coming in through your nose, and the warm air leaving. Many early meditators will focus only on the breath, connecting to the most primal aspect of our physiology.
3. Eliminate distraction. In many cases, meditation isn’t about focusing on your future. But it can develop into manifesting who you want to be as you become an active creator in your development.
In the beginning it should be about release from the world around you. The object is to become comfortable and aware of yourself...to learn to sit with yourself free from judgment. Eliminating your distractions will help you to focus on yourself.
Meditation Increases Motivation and Productivity
Feeling motivated is one of the most important aspects of self-improvement. Without motivation things like waking up, being productive, and finding purpose in work and life become a massive struggle. Lack of motivation feeds fears of failure and not being enough, and those become the source of your unhappiness.
Meditation teaches you to stay focused, present, and aware of which choices bring joy and which choices bring trouble. When you can observe yourself from this perspective, you build confidence in yourself, which leads to better personal motivation and productivity.
You can use meditation in two main ways:
1. Attraction. The first method is to use your time during meditation to attract what you desire most. This will enable you to visualize your goals, find sources of motivation, and increase your productivity in order to achieve those goals.
This is a new form of meditation that has risen from an adaption of Kadampa Buddhism. Your goal is to visualize your future, and without forcing the situation, live the visualization in order to become more motivated and productive.
2. Release. This might sound counterintuitive, but this is the way Buddhism has been taught for millennia. Releasing your ties to all things superficial is one of the best ways you can find personal motivation to achieve what matters to you most.
Many times, we get caught up in trying to force our motivation, trying to find something that isn't there. Meditation can teach you to find motivation through the simple idea of letting go and only viewing what is most important to you.
In essence, you are training your mind in the practice of minimalism and simplicity. The biggest detractor from success is an over cluttered mind and agenda.
Feeling motivated and being productive can be tricky to master, but with the help of your own mind and useful meditation techniques, you can build greater motivation and increase your productivity.
If your interested in starting a meditation practice or further exploring the unlimited potential locked within you, check out my digitally mastered GUIDED MEDITATIONS FOR CONSCIOUS CREATION album.
The Guided Meditations for Conscious Creation is a music-based meditation system, designed to open the pathways to your highest self. The practices presented in the album use the transformative power of music, binaural beats, symbolism, and guided meditation to awaken and release the hidden potential within each of the seven core energy centers that regulate all of your choices—guiding you toward a more confident, empowered, and authentic life.